The “Mystic Creation Series” is an original line of Shaman sculptures with several designs that have been introduced over the years with sizes ranging from 12” to life size.

The latest of this series includes a Limited Edition line of translucent shaman sculptures combined with copper and stainless to form a very unique style and look.


The Shaman was a priest-healer who was believed to possess supernatural power or psychic powers received through trances and dreams. Shaman were responsible for healing the sick, revealing the arcane, and using  the power to control events that affected the fertility of crops, abundance of game animals, and the tribe itself. The Shaman chose to represent themselves in rock art in order to fix their power in concrete expression. These images are found carved (petroglyphs) and painted (pictographs) in caves, canyons, and on cliffs throughout the world.

It is from these timeless images the artist has found inspiration to recreate their essence into three dimensional contemporary forms. Each Shaman is individually handcrafted using various materials rendering a unique, original piece which is meant to continue its legacy of

good fortune to its surroundings.


                           Mystic Creations Series